January 2018
Habitat for Humanity has helped communities and families build better lives all over the world for over 40 years. They will help guide our Pointe au Baril efforts as well. Land in the village has been donated, the Township of the Archipelago is fully supportive and is helping with the transfer of ownership to Habitat. The Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve has completed their environmental study enabling placement of a foundation and the septic system for our energy efficient ‘build green’ house.
The other part of the story is that the Village of Pointe au Baril and islanders will be donating time, efforts and finances for a common cause of helping to grow their relationships while helping a new family in the Village. This project will encourage participation in many ways. For now, your donations to buy materials are needed. Please contact Habitat for Humanity Ontario Gateway North at (705) 646-0106 ext. 210 bgerwin@habitatgatewaynorth.com or refer to the December PaBIA CONNECTIONS for on-line instructions.
Ask about buying a part of the house such as a room, the foundation or wiring. Someone has already inquired about buying the HVAC system for this 4 bedroom energy efficient house. Of course, any donation will be appreciated and put to work.
Keep up to date with building progress in these PaBIA CONNECTIONS and this website pointeaubarilcommunity.ca
“Partnering with supporters in PaB”
This Pointe au Baril Habitat build leads the way towards a stronger village and good relationship between islanders and village residents. We all win with this community project, supporting a way forward.
Please let me tell you what Habitat for Humanity does, and just as importantly, how we do it. Habitat’s mission is to mobilize community volunteers and partners to help a neighbor in need. Our ideal is to build on land that has been donated on North Shore Road, with donated materials, using volunteered labor. Habitat has never built in Pointe au Baril. We are now partnering with members of the community in an effort to build the first local Habitat home for
a hardworking family.
Habitat for Humanity Ontario Gateway North is a registered charity. As such, we are pleased to recognize the donation of funds, land, materials and professional labor with a charitable tax receipt for both Canadian and American donors.
Habitat builds decent, basic homes that we sell at fair market value to carefully screened, hardworking families who don’t qualify for the conventional bank financing that would let them buy their way out of substandard living conditions. We don’t give people a hand-out, we give deserving neighbors a hand-up. By doing so, we reshape the future and sense of possibility for their children and for the generations of family
to follow.
I’m pleased and excited to partner with supporters in Pointe au Baril, the surrounding area, and its seasonal community. This is an invitation for you to also mobilize with Habitat to build a home, to build hope for a neighbor family, and to build a stronger community for ourselves and for our children.
Britta Gerwin,
Director, Development & Communications
Habitat for Humanity Ontario Gateway North
(705) 644-2849 bgerwin@habitatgatewaynorth.com
Pointe au Baril Habitat for Humanity committee leaders:
Tonia Blenkarn, Coco Brennan, Bob Fisher, Toby Cavers, Hilde Clark, Sted Garber, Helen Garber, Jane Marshall, Rob Muir, Nancy Rogers, Elizabeth Rambeau