News and Activities

North of 50 Welcomes New Executive

A new Executive Team was elected at North of 50’s  Annual General Meeting held in October:  Rick Westlake – President Sally Slumskie – Treasurer Michael Marshall – Secretary What a great team!  Rick, Sally, and Michael are residents of PaB and...


NORTH OF 50 Executive Team: President                Rick Westlake Treasurer                 Sally Slumskie Secretary                Michael Marshall Past President      Anna Allevato Monthly business meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at...

PaB Library

  The community Centre Library is open for business on Mondays from 9:30 to 11:00 am.   Once the May 24th weekend arrives, the Library will be open on Wednesdays for the summer. Jane Manning-Marshall oversees the operation of the library.  Dawn Gagne volunteers...


WHAT’S IN A NAME? After a lengthy consultation process the Pointe au Baril Seniors Club recently voted to change it’s name to “NORTH OF 50.” The name change conversation all started with an expressed desire by many – both members and...